1. Utilize hashtags - Hashtags are a great way to increase engagement on social media. Use popular and relevant hashtags to make your posts more discoverable. For our wedding posts we use #weddingphotographers and #weddingvideographers often. 2. Create content that resonates - Create content that resonates with your target audience and encourages them to engage with your posts. Ask open-ended questions, use polls, and create interactive content to encourage engagement. We post a lot of our films that promote local businesses to help their growth in their community. 3. Use visuals - Visuals are a great way to grab people's attention and increase engagement. Use photos, videos, GIFs, and other visuals to make your posts stand out. As a photo and video company this gives us a competitive edge by always creating new images and videos for people to enjoy.

4. Host contests and giveaways - Hosting contests and giveaways is a great way to increase engagement on social media. Ask your followers to like, comment, or share your posts for a chance to win a prize. We have done this in th
e past by giving away photo sessions or exclusive prints like metal prints. 5. Respond to comments and messages - Responding to comments and messages is a great way to show your followers that you value
them. Take the time to answer questions, thank people for their comments, and engage in conversations. We try to thank as many people who like, share or follow us on social media. We realize their engagement helps us to continue to grow and build our brand.
For more tips follow us @finalphasephoto on your favorite social media platforms.